Toddler development at 18-24 months: what’s happening
At this age, toddlers start to experience new emotions like anger and frustration, guilt, shame, possessiveness and excitement. These ‘big’ emotions can be hard for your toddler to deal with, and you might see some tantrums as a result.
Although your toddler’s separation anxiety peaks at around 18 months, by 2 years it usually starts to settle down. But when your toddler plays, they might still want to be near you, a familiar adult or a sibling.
Your toddler is also beginning to think about how they feel and might link feelings with words. For example, your toddler might tell you they’re ‘sad’. They might show affection by giving you a kiss or hugging a doll, which is also part of developing empathy.
Everyday skills
Around this time, toddlers are keen to do more things independently. For example, your toddler is learning to feed themselves using a spoon and cup, and maybe even a fork – there might even be fewer spills than before!
Your toddler might try to help when getting dressed and undressed. At this age, it’s easier for your toddler to take off socks, shoes and clothes without buttons.
Generally, your toddler might show signs that they’re ready for toilet training from 2 years on. But some children start to show signs of being ready earlier, at around 18 months.
Playing and learning
Play is important because it’s how children learn.
At this age, your toddler will start imagining and creating through pretend play – for example, pretending to drink from a cup. As your toddler grows older, pretend play gets more complex, and you might find your toddler doing things like sweeping the floor with a tree branch. Your toddler will enjoy spending time with siblings and other children, even if they don’t play directly with others.
Toddlers enjoy talking at this age. Your toddler’s words might even have up-and-down tones, just like an adult’s. You’ll most likely hear a mix of ‘babble’ and real words.
At 18 months, your toddler is learning words all the time – usually 1-2 words a week, or maybe even a word a day. Your toddler might name and point at familiar objects, people and body parts – for example, ears, nose or toes. Your toddler might also make animal sounds like ‘moo’ or say the same sound or word over and over.
Your toddler knows their own name and the idea of ‘mine’. They’re getting better at understanding simple sentences and instructions like ‘Bring it to Mum’ or ‘Let’s go for a walk’. You’ll be able to understand more of what your toddler says to you.
By 2 years, your toddler might be able to say ‘I’, ‘you’ and ‘me’ and use sentences with 2-3 words – for example, ‘Mummy car’ or ‘me do it’.
Toddlers usually walk on their own by 18 months and begin to run. Your toddler will probably walk up and down stairs or climb furniture with your help. Throwing and kicking a ball, scribbling with pencils or crayons, and building small towers of blocks might be some of your toddler’s favourite things.
It’s a good idea to look at how you can make your home safe for your active toddler to move around in.
At this age, your toddler might also:
- ask for ‘more’ and say ‘no’ when asked to do something
- copy you – for example, they might help you sweep the floor
- sit themselves in a small chair
- walk around carrying larger objects
- use one hand more than the other by 2 years.
When your toddler learns a new skill, celebrate the achievement with plenty of praise and positive attention. It’s also a good idea to help and encourage your toddler to keep doing the things they’ve learned, even if those things are difficult.
Helping toddler development at 18-24 months
Here are simple things you can do to help your toddler’s development at this age:
- Be there for your toddler: if you’re nearby while your toddler plays and explores, it gives your toddler confidence to try new things on their own. This can help your toddler to be independent and self-confident later on.
- Give your toddler the chance to play with others: play is a great way for your toddler to learn how to be with other children, make friends and develop social skills like sharing and taking turns.
- Spend time playing outdoors: being out and about with you lets your toddler explore the world and test out their growing physical skills. When you’re outside, remember to be safe in the sun.
- Encourage your toddler to practise everyday skills like feeding themselves, drinking from a cup and getting dressed. These skills involve both small and big muscle movements, as well as your toddler’s ability to think about what they’re doing.
- Talk with your toddler: naming and talking about everyday things – body parts, toys and household items like spoons or chairs – develops language skills. At this age, you can teach your toddler that a ‘chair’ can be a ‘big chair’, ‘red chair’ or even a ‘big red chair’.
- Give meaning to your toddler’s talking by listening and talking back. If your toddler says ‘Mama milk’, you might reply by saying ‘You want Mum to get you some milk?’ This encourages conversation and builds your toddler’s communication skills. It also makes your toddler feel valued and loved.
- Read with your toddler: you can encourage your toddler’s talking and imagination by reading together, telling stories, singing songs and reciting nursery rhymes. These activities also help your toddler learn to read as they get older.
Parenting toddlers at 18-24 months
As a parent, you’re always learning. It’s OK to feel confident about what you know. And it’s also OK to admit you don’t know something and ask questions or get help.
It’s also important to look after yourself. Looking after yourself physically, mentally and emotionally is good for you, and it’s good for your toddler. When you’re well, you can give your toddler the loving attention they need to grow and thrive. You can also guide your toddler’s behaviour in positive ways, even when you find their behaviour challenging.
And remember that part of looking after yourself is asking for help, especially if you’re feeling stressed, anxious or angry. There are many people who can support you and your toddler, including your partner, friends, relatives, child and family health nurse and GP.
Never shake, hit or verbally abuse a toddler. You risk harming your child, even if you don’t mean to. If you feel like you can’t cope, it’s OK to take some time out until you feel calmer. Gently put your toddler in a safe place like a cot. Go to another room to breathe deeply, or call your state or territory parenting helpline.
When to be concerned about toddler development at 18 months
You know your toddler best. So it’s a good idea to see your child and family health nurse or GP if you have any concerns or notice that your 18-month-old toddler has any of the following issues.
Seeing, hearing and communicating
Your toddler:
- has trouble seeing or hearing things
- doesn’t say any single words
- can’t put 2 words together – for example, ‘More drink’
- doesn’t point, wave or use other gestures
- doesn’t follow simple instructions – for example, ‘Please give me the ball’.
Behaviour and play
Your toddler doesn’t enjoy eye contact or cuddles with you or isn’t showing their feelings.
Movement and motor skills
Your toddler:
- isn’t walking on their own
- uses one hand a lot more than the other (usually children don’t use one hand more than the other until closer to 2 years).
When to be concerned about toddler development at 2 years
It’s a good idea to see your child and family health nurse or GP if you notice your 2-year-old has any of the following issues.
Seeing, hearing and communicating
Your toddler:
- has trouble seeing or hearing things
- isn’t putting 2 or more words together – for example, ‘Red car’ or ‘Me go too’
- can’t follow simple instructions – for example, ‘Get your shoes, please’.
Behaviour and play
Your toddler:
- isn’t showing their feelings
- doesn’t come to you for affection or comfort
- doesn’t copy actions or words – for example, when singing ‘Heads, shoulders, knees and toes’
- doesn’t pretend during play – for example, doesn’t pretend to talk on the phone.
Movement and motor skills
Your toddler:
- can’t walk up and down stairs, even if holding on to you or a rail
- can’t run
- finds it hard to handle small objects – for example, a pencil or crayon
- isn’t scribbling.
See a child health professional if you notice your toddler is losing skills they had before.
It’s also a good idea to see your child and family health nurse or GP if you or your partner experiences the signs of postnatal depression in birthing mothers or postnatal depression in non-birthing parents. Signs of postnatal depression include feeling sad and crying for no obvious reason, feeling irritable, having difficulty coping and feeling very anxious.
Development usually happens in the same order in most children, but skills might develop at different ages or times. If you’re wondering whether your toddler’s development is on track, or if you feel that something isn’t quite right, it’s best to get help early. See your child and family health nurse or GP.
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