Best movies for kids and teens: how our reviews help you choose
Our reviews provide a more in-depth description of movie content than the standard rating system. They do this by looking at:
- violent material
- scenes and themes that children might find disturbing
- sexual references
- nudity
- product placement
- coarse language
- use of substances.
Each review also includes handy details like:
- recommendations for suitable viewing ages
- issues you can discuss with your child after watching the movie
- running times to help you plan your day
- suggestions for other movies that your child or family might enjoy.
Check out more than 1300 child-friendly movie reviews of new releases and older movies on various streaming services. You know your child best so you can use the information in our reviews to select the best movies for them to watch and enjoy.
Our movie reviews
Our reviews include movies that are rated:
- G – general
- PG – parental guidance recommended
- M – mature audiences.
We generally don’t offer reviews of movies rated MA15+ (mature accompanied). This is a ‘restricted’ classification, which means there are legal restrictions on who can watch these movies.
Although classifications exist as guidelines, a G, PG or M rating doesn’t always guarantee that a movie is good quality or OK for your child. You can read more about quality movies and other media for preschoolers, quality movies and other media for school-age children and quality movies and other media for teenagers.
Our movie reviewers
Our reviewers have expertise in child development, which they use to review movies of interest to children, teenagers and families.
If you’ve read the review and you’re still unsure about whether a movie is right for your child, it’s a good idea to watch it yourself first.