Parent-teacher interviews at secondary school: what to expect
Throughout your child’s time in secondary school, you might be invited to parent-teacher interviews.
These interviews are usually meetings of about 10 minutes between you and your child’s subject teachers. Sometimes students are invited to attend too.
You’ll be invited to attend at least one interview per subject each year. Some secondary schools will ask you to meet with all teachers, and others will allow you to choose which teachers you meet. In some schools, teachers specifically request interviews with particular parents. If teachers ask to meet with you, it’s important to make time for those teachers.
Your child’s school will probably use its parent portal or newsletter to tell you that interviews are coming up. You’ll probably use an online booking system to make interview times with teachers.
Interviews might be held face to face or online. They might be during school hours, before or after school, or in the evening. It’s good to make a time when both parents can attend, if you can. If you can’t manage any of the available times, you can usually contact the school to arrange other times.
It’s important to be on time for parent-teacher interviews. But be aware that teachers might be running late because previous interviews have run over time.
Parent-teacher interviews might be called parent-teacher conferences. If students are expected to attend, they might be called student-led conferences or 3-way conferences.
Why it’s important to go to parent-teacher interviews
Parent-teacher interviews are a great opportunity for you to:
- meet and get to know your child’s teachers
- learn more about your child’s academic, emotional and social development
- learn what your child is doing well and what they’re struggling with
- make plans with teachers about how to support your child
- help your child’s teachers understand more about your child
- build a partnership with your child’s school.
If you don’t have concerns, you might wonder whether it’s worth going to parent-teacher interviews. But going to interviews shows your child that you’re interested in their learning and what’s happening for them at school.
Also, parent-teacher interviews are a good chance to hear about how your child is going from someone other than your child. Older children and teenagers don’t always talk openly about what’s happening for them at school. Teachers are in an excellent position to watch how your child is developing and learning.
Who you’ll meet at secondary school parent-teacher interviews
At your child’s parent-teacher interviews you might meet with individual subject teachers. In the junior secondary years, this might mean that there are up to 10 teachers for you to meet.
It’s not always practical to have an appointment with every teacher, especially if you have more than one child at secondary school. Your child’s school report is a good guide to which teachers you should talk to. For example, it might show areas where your child is having trouble. You can also ask your child about which teachers they think you should meet.
Generally, it’s a good idea to meet with teachers of compulsory subjects, as well as your child’s year coordinator or home-room teacher. The year coordinator or home-room teacher will have a good idea of your child’s social and emotional development. If you’ve got enough time, you could also talk with teachers in a couple of the electives where your child has the greatest interest or difficulties.
With fewer subjects and teachers in the senior secondary years, it’s easier to make times with every teacher. In fact, this is particularly important during Years 10, 11 and 12 when your child is deciding on subjects and thinking about opportunities after school.
What to talk about at parent-teacher interviews
Secondary school parent-teacher interviews generally focus on your child’s academic progress, outcomes and career goals.
To get the most out of parent-teacher interviews, it helps to be well prepared. One of the first things you can do is read your child’s school report carefully and note down anything you want to ask about. It can help to take your list of questions with you so you remember what you want to talk about.
It’s a good idea to talk with your child before the interview too. They might have questions they want you to ask or things they want you to raise with teachers.
You might have other questions in mind too. For example:
- What are my child’s strengths, and what do they struggle with?
- How much homework should my child be doing each night?
- What can I do at home to help my child with schoolwork?
- What can you tell me about my child’s behaviour in class?
- How is my child getting along with other students?
- What support services are available for my child at this school?
- Would you recommend my child continue with this subject (in the senior years or post-school education)?
If you or your child still have questions or concerns after the interviews or if there’s something private you want to let teachers know about, you might need to arrange another time to talk.
If you need an interpreter for parent-teacher interviews, you can ask the school to organise this for you.
Should children go to parent-teacher interviews?
At secondary school your child might be expected to go to parent-teacher interviews. If this is what happens at your child’s school, teachers will probably talk mostly to your child. This reflects your child’s growing maturity and independence.
It’s common for children to feel nervous about these interviews. If your child is nervous, you can remind them that the interviews are about how they’re going at school and how you and the teachers can support them.
After the parent-teacher interview
If you’ve agreed on actions at the interview, you might arrange a follow-up phone call in about a month’s time.
This gives you both the chance to check how the actions are working. If you need to, you can adjust them.
Arranging parent-teacher meetings at other times
If you have any concerns about your child’s social or academic development, you don’t have to wait for a formal parent-teacher interview to talk about them.
Your child’s teachers will be happy to arrange a time to talk with you. If you’re not sure which teachers you need to speak to, try starting with your child’s home-room teacher or year coordinator.
Informal contact with teachers
Information nights and other school events are good opportunities to meet staff and build relationships. This can help when you meet for formal parent-teacher interviews.