Wash hands regularly with soap

Wet hands with running water. Put liquid soap on hands or use bar soap.

Rub soap on palms. Rub soap on back of hands. Rub down to wrists.

Rub soap between fingers. Rub soap around fingernails. Wash for at least 20 seconds.
Rinse and dry hands thoroughly

Rinse hands with running water.

Dry hands with a paper towel or let hands air dry.

If there’s no soap and water, use hand sanitiser instead. Rub all over hands for 20 seconds.
Hand hygiene tips

Children should wash hands after sneezing, coughing or blowing noses, before touching food, after going to the toilet, after being in public places, and after being around sick people.

A regular and consistent hand-washing routine can help young children remember to wash. Singing a song can help children wash for 20 seconds. It also makes hand-washing fun!

Be a good hand-washing and hygiene role model. Children and teenagers are more likely to have good hand hygiene if they see you leading by example.
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