You at 23 weeks pregnant
You can probably feel your baby moving by now. Your baby’s movements can be exciting and reassuring.
You might also start feeling Braxton Hicks contractions from around now. Or you might feel them later or not at all.
These are ‘practice’ contractions, which feel a bit like a band of muscle tightening across your belly. They tend to be stronger and more noticeable towards the end of pregnancy and can sometimes feel like mild labour contractions.
The uterus is putting downward pressure on your bladder again, so you might want to go to the toilet more often.
Your cervix is usually sealed well with a protective mucus plug.
Your baby when you’re 23 weeks pregnant
This is what your baby is up to:
- Your baby is about 20 cm long from head to bottom and weighs around 540 g.
- The different parts of the nervous system are all working together nicely. Your baby can recognise light, sound and pain.
- The hair on your baby’s head and eyebrows is starting to develop colour.
- The pancreas is functioning now, producing insulin.
- The lungs are producing surfactant, the substance that helps them stay inflated after a breath.