You at 15 weeks pregnant
Your body is circulating more blood than usual. Your heart is working harder. This might give you a pregnancy ‘glow’, along with a few side effects:
- higher or lower blood pressure
- nose and gum bleeds
- mild headaches.
If you’re experiencing severe headaches or you have a headache that won’t go away, see your doctor or midwife.
Your hair might also be getting thicker, and your nails could be growing faster.
If you need an amniocentesis for medical reasons, it can be done from 15 weeks.
Your family
It’s common to think about your own parents, the part they played in your life when you were younger, and the way you might be as a parent. If your family lives far away or someone important to you is no longer alive, you can often feel their absence more strongly when you’re pregnant.
Pregnancy can bring families closer. You might want to spend more time with your family. Often this is about sharing the joy of being pregnant or the anticipation of a new baby in the family.
Some people choose not to have their families in their lives. You might become very aware of your feelings about difficult past experiences, and pregnancy could bring up strong or painful thoughts and reactions.
If this sounds like you, it’s a good idea to talk with someone you trust or get professional help. You could talk to your doctor or midwife or call Lifeline on 131 114. Many hospitals also have mental health workers who can give support and counselling.
Your baby when you’re 15 weeks pregnant
Your baby is putting on weight rapidly:
- Your baby measures 9.5 cm from head to bottom and weighs about 80 g.
- Your baby’s body is now growing faster than their head.
- Your baby might suck their thumb.
- A fine covering of hair – called lanugo – is starting to cover your baby’s body.