You at 11 weeks pregnant
You might find that morning sickness starts to settle down after this point in pregnancy.
You might be having leg or foot cramps – this is common. Make sure you get plenty of calcium by eating calcium-rich foods like low-fat milk, yoghurt, hard cheeses and fortified soy drinks. Staying active can also help. If you have special dietary needs, seeing a dietitian might be a good idea.
The 12-week scan
You can have this ultrasound scan at 11-13 weeks of pregnancy to check your baby’s development. It will also show if you’re having more than one baby. It can be really exciting – it’s often when you get to see your baby for the first time.
This ultrasound scan is usually also part of a screening procedure that checks your baby’s chance of having a condition like Down syndrome. It’s a good idea to think about how you might feel and what you’d do if you’re told your baby has a high chance of complications or an anomaly. If you need to, you can talk about this with your partner or another trusted person or health professional.
Your baby when you’re 11 weeks pregnant
Your baby is ready for a growth spurt:
- Your baby is about 4.5 cm from head to bottom. Your baby weighs about 10 g.
- The heart is completely formed and pumping.
- Fingers are growing nails.
- The brain and nervous system are almost finished developing.
- Nerves and muscles are starting to work together. This means that your baby is starting to make small, jerky movements. It’s too early for you to feel them, though.