Making the NICU space your own
1. Make the space more personal
The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can feel very impersonal. But you can make it more personal for your sick or premature baby and yourself. You can bring things from home, use people’s gifts, or put up photos of yourselves and your baby’s siblings. Just keep in mind that too much clutter can make caring for your baby difficult.
2. Create a private space
Sitting in the NICU, you’re usually facing outwards. That means everyone who goes by can see you. If you want some private time but also want to stay beside your sick or premature baby, turn your chair around so that you face inwards. Then you can close your eyes and relax, read, sing to your baby or just have some quiet time.
3. Celebrate special occasions
Hospital staff and volunteers often put a lot of effort into special occasions. For example, Santa visits at Christmas and staff put up decorations. You could celebrate a special day like a family birthday, a religious or cultural celebration, or your premature baby’s expected birth date by putting up decorations yourselves. Celebrating a special day can take your mind off your worries about your baby.
Visiting your sick or premature baby in the NICU
4. Ask questions and keep informed
The neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can be overwhelming. If there’s anything you’re unsure of, it’s OK to ask hospital staff to explain in words you understand. You can take notes to help you remember important details.
Building relationships with medical staff can make it easier for you to ask questions and stay up to date. You could choose to speak regularly with 2-3 medical staff about how your sick or premature baby is going. You can do this when medical staff make scheduled visits to the NICU.
5. Get involved with your baby’s routines
If you can, plan to be in the NICU when the staff do your sick or premature baby’s care activities. The staff can help you learn what to do, and then you can gradually take over your baby’s care. For example, you can help wash your baby’s face, change nappies or reposition your baby.
By doing this, you become a part of your baby’s life. Your baby will learn to recognise you, and you’ll learn how to handle your baby in the ways they like best. This is a great way to gain confidence in caring for your baby.
6. Have friends and family visit to support you
Some NICUs allow friends and extended family to visit. If your NICU does, you can introduce your sick or premature baby to their new family and social world. Visitors can have a meal with you, or sit by your baby while you get a meal or go for a walk. Most of all, they can support you while you’re supporting your child.
It’s a good idea to have only 1-2 visitors at a time, because too many people can be overwhelming for you and your baby.
7. Keep a record of your baby’s development
It’s likely that you’ll forget many things about this time in your sick or premature baby’s life – even though it might seem unforgettable now. You could take photos or videos, or keep a diary to help you remember. There are also apps that can help you keep track of weight gains and other aspects of development. Hospital staff can help you take your baby’s hand and foot impressions and prints.
Relaxing and unwinding in and out of the NICU
8. Go out of the hospital for short breaks
Spending long hours in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) can be boring and tiring. Share the care with your partner if you have one, and take turns getting out of the hospital for a break. Out in the fresh air you can get your body moving and enjoy some sun.
9. Find somewhere quiet to rest
The noise in the NICU can be irritating, especially if you’re feeling stressed or have a headache. Hospitals often have a prayer room that’s calm and quiet, where you can sit quietly even if you’re not religious.
10. Write a journal
Writing a journal can give you a chance to express feelings, reflect on what’s happening, and keep track of your sick or premature baby’s journey. It can also lift your mood. The journal might be for your eyes only, or you might plan to share it with others at some later stage, including your baby when they’re older. Some parents even write a journal in the form of letters to their baby.
11. Take a book to read
Reading is relaxing for many people and can help to pass the time. You can also read your book aloud to your sick or premature baby. Reading aloud will help your baby get to know your voice.
12. Do relaxation exercises
If you find the days in the hospital tiring and stressful, try mindfulness, breathing exercises or muscle relaxation. You can do these exercises while you’re sitting beside your sick or premature baby. You can get smartphone apps that take you through these sorts of exercises if you find them hard to do by yourself.
13. Allow yourself time for treats
Try to find time to go out for dinner, do something fun with your other children, or see a movie. Going out by yourself, with your partner or with friends is good for everyone.
Looking after yourself while your sick or premature baby is in the NICU
14. Go easy on yourself
It’s OK to say that you can’t make it to a friend’s birthday party this year if you don’t feel up to it. And try not to feel bad if you sleep in one morning rather than getting to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) early. If you look after yourself, you’ll be better able to look after your sick or premature baby.
15. Accept help from family and friends
Your priorities are likely to be visiting your sick or premature baby and caring for yourself, your partner if you have one, and your other children. Practical help from friends and family can free you up for these priorities. If someone offers to mow the lawn, give you a lift to the hospital, do the shopping or walk the dog, say, ‘Yes, please!’
16. Talk to someone
Having a sick or premature baby in the NICU can be difficult, and it’s OK to feel strong emotions. It’s good to acknowledge your emotions and talk to someone you trust about how you’re feeling. You could talk to your partner, a friend or family member, NICU staff, a counsellor or a social worker. Also, you can ask whether the NICU has a peer support worker or parent support group.
17. Eat well
Nutritious food will boost your energy levels. If you’re expressing breastmilk, you need 3 healthy meals and 2-3 healthy snacks a day. Use your hunger, thirst and fullness to guide what you eat and drink.
18. Accept that there’ll be ups and downs
There will be good days and bad days. Knowing and accepting this will help you to feel less distressed and worried when challenging days happen.