Picking up a newborn baby
Take care with your baby’s head, especially around the fontanelles. Always support your baby’s head and neck.
To pick up your baby, slide one hand under their head and neck and the other hand under their bottom. Bend your knees to protect your back.
Once you’ve got a good hold, scoop up your baby and bring them close to your chest as you straighten your legs again.
Cradling and holding a newborn baby
Make sure your baby’s head is resting against your chest. Slide your hand up from your baby’s bottom to support their neck.
Gently move your baby’s head to the crook of your arm, still supporting their neck. Place your other hand under your baby’s bottom.
Using the cradle hold lets you look at your baby. You can smile and talk to them.
Shoulder hold and safety tips
Shoulder hold: rest your baby on your chest and shoulder, supporting their head and neck with your hand. Place your other hand under your baby’s bottom.
Keep your baby safe: never hold hot drinks or cook while you’re holding your baby. Always hold your baby securely when going up or down steps.
Help children and older people if they want to hold your baby. Ask them to sit down, then gently place your baby in their cradled arms.
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