Arlo the Apatosaurus (voiced by Raymond Ochoa) lives on a farm with his mother (Frances McDormand), father (Jeffrey Wright) and two siblings (Marcus Scribner and Maleah Nipay-Padilla). One day the young dinosaur falls into the river and is washed far away from his home and family. All alone, Arlo becomes friends with a human child named Spot (Jack Bright). Spot teaches Arlo how to survive in the wild and how to overcome his fears. Together, Spot and Arlo must overcome many dangerous obstacles to return Arlo to his family before winter.
The Good Dinosaur has some violence. For example:
Sexual references
None of concern
Alcohol, drugs and other substances
There is some use of substances in The Good Dinosaur, including when Arlo and Spot eat some fermented fruit. They have hallucinations and wake up with headaches.
Nudity and sexual activity
None of concern
Product placement
There is no product placement in the movie itself, but there’s likely to be merchandise associated with the movie marketed to children.
Coarse language
There is some mild and modified coarse language in this movie.
Ideas to discuss with your children
The Good Dinosaur is a beautifully animated movie about Arlo, a young dinosaur who’s learning to overcome his fears.
We don’t recommend The Good Dinosaur for children under 7 years, and we do recommend parental guidance for children aged 7-9 years. This is because the movie has several upsetting and scary scenes and themes, which include the deaths of family members and characters being separated from their families. There are also scary predatory creatures that threaten the main characters. The settings make the movie seem very real and, at 101 minutes, it’s also rather long for very young children.
The main messages from this movie are about the importance of doing something bigger than yourself and overcoming fears so you can see the beauty and positive things in life.
Values in this movie that you could reinforce with your children include loyalty, hard work, kindness and bravery.
This movie could also give you the chance to talk with your children about the importance of helping your family out around the house and contributing to household chores.