About herpes simplex mouth infection
When a child is infected with herpes simplex virus for the first time, it can cause a herpes simplex mouth infection. This infection often leads to painful gums and ulcers inside a child’s mouth. This is called gingivostomatitis.
After a first infection with herpes simplex virus, the virus sleeps in the nerves beneath the skin for life. It can wake up and cause cold sores.
Herpes simplex virus is highly contagious. You can get it through skin-to-skin contact, contact with an infected person’s saliva, or contact with contaminated objects. It can spread even when infected people don’t have any symptoms.
Symptoms of herpes simplex mouth infection
Your child might say they have a sore mouth. Their lips, gums and throat might also be sore.
The lining of your child’s mouth might be swollen and red, and you might be able to see a lot of tiny blisters or ulcers.
Younger children might refuse food or drink and drool a lot. Your child might be irritable and cry a lot. They might also have a fever and swollen lymph nodes.
Symptoms usually start clearing up within 3-4 days and disappear completely in 7-10 days without leaving any scarring.
Complications of herpes simplex mouth infection
The major complication of a herpes simplex virus mouth infection is poor fluid intake and dehydration. This is because swallowing is painful and difficult.
In very rare cases, herpes simplex virus can cause encephalitis.
Children are more likely to get herpes simplex mouth infection or encephalitis if they:
- have a weak immune system because of illness or medicine
- are younger than 3 months old.
Medical help: when to get it for children and teenagers with herpes simplex mouth infection
You should take your child to your GP if your child:
- doesn’t get better after a few days.
- refuses food and liquids
- is generally unwell.
You should take your child to your nearest hospital emergency department or call 000 for an ambulance straight away if your child is showing signs of dehydration or encephalitis.
Signs of dehydration include:
- little or no urination
- paler skin than usual
- weight loss
- sunken eyes and darkening around the eyes
- cold hands and feet
- drowsiness
- irritability.
Signs of encephalitis include:
- confusion
- drowsiness
- seizures
- strange behaviour or a sudden change in personality.
You know your child best. If your child seems unwell, seek medical attention.
Treatment for herpes simplex mouth infection
You can give your child paracetamol or ibuprofen to help ease your child’s pain and discomfort.
You can also ask your GP or pharmacist about numbing gels or mouth washes that can help relieve pain.
You should encourage your child to drink fluids, even tiny amounts at a time. If your child is aged over 6 months, you can give them oral rehydration solution like Gastrolyte or Hydralyte, which you can get as liquid or ice blocks from any pharmacy. Ice blocks might help numb the pain and make drinking more comfortable.
If your child is used to a bottle, it might be easier to feed them using a cup and spoon until the infection improves. If your child is refusing food, try offering them very soft foods.
If the infection is severe or your child is at risk of a severe infection, your doctor might suggest an anti-viral medicine.
Don’t give aspirin to children under 12 years unless it’s prescribed by a doctor. Aspirin can increase the risk of Reye’s syndrome, a rare but potentially deadly condition. If you’re giving your child any over-the-counter medicines, check with your pharmacist or doctor to make sure these have no aspirin.
Prevention of herpes simplex mouth infection
To prevent herpes simplex mouth infection, your child should avoid:
- direct contact with someone who has a herpes simplex mouth infection or cold sores
- utensils, glasses or towels that have been used by someone with a herpes simplex mouth infection or cold sores.
If you have a baby, it’s best for people with herpes simplex mouth infection or cold sores to avoid direct contact with your baby. If this isn’t possible, they should wash hands carefully before holding your baby and also avoid kissing your baby.