Preparing a bath for a newborn baby

Have everything you need within reach. Use a clean bucket, sink or baby bath to wash your baby. You also need cotton wool or a soft cloth, mild baby cleanser, towels, a clean nappy and clothes.

Fill the container with water as deep as your fingers. Use a bath thermometer, your wrist or your elbow to check that the water is not too hot. It should be about 37-38°C.

Before undressing your baby, wet a cotton wool ball or soft cloth with warm water. Gently wipe your baby’s eyes from inside to out. Use a new cotton wool ball or clean part of the cloth for each wipe.
Washing your baby

Undress your baby. Cradle your baby’s head and shoulders with one arm, and support their body with the other arm. Gently lower your baby into the water. Use one arm to hold your baby and your other hand to wash. Make sure your baby’s face is uncovered.

Gently wash your baby with a soft cloth. Start with your baby’s face, and then their neck and body, and their genitals and bottom last.

Gently wash your baby’s hair and head with water.
How to be safe when bathing your newborn baby

Never leave your baby alone in the bath. Always finish the bath first before doing something else. Babies can drown quickly even in shallow water.

Support your baby’s head, neck and body when you take them out of the bath. Lay your baby on the unfolded towel and gently pat them dry.

Wash your baby at least twice a week in a bath. Clean babies are happy and healthy babies.