What is language delay?
Language delay is when children have difficulties understanding or using spoken language. These difficulties are unusual for their age.
The difficulties might be with:
- responding to language
- understanding and using words
- saying first words
- understanding sentences
- putting words together to speak sentences.
Language delay is sometimes associated with autism, epilepsy, deafness or hearing loss, genetic conditions and other conditions. But many language delays have no known cause.
Language delay, speech disorder or developmental language disorder?
Language delay is different from a developmental language disorder or speech disorder.
A developmental language disorder is when children have language difficulties after the age of 3-3½ years. These difficulties affect children’s everyday lives and don’t go away. They might include difficulties with understanding or speaking language.
A speech disorder is when children have difficulty pronouncing the sounds in words. This can make their speech difficult to understand.
Children might have:
- language delay but not a developmental language disorder or speech disorder
- a speech disorder but not language delay or a developmental language disorder
- language delay and also a speech disorder or developmental language disorder.
Children raised in bilingual or multilingual families might seem to learn language more slowly than children speaking only one language. This isn’t considered language delay. School-age bilingual children can learn to read and write English just as well as their peers.
Signs of language delay at different ages
Children develop language at different rates. So comparing your child with other children of the same age might not help you to know whether your child has language delay.
That’s why it’s best to seek professional advice if you see any of the following signs in your child at different ages.
By 6 months
Your child isn’t:
- trying to use eye contact
- looking at you when you call their name
- turning to look at objects when you talk about them.
By 12 months
Your child isn’t:
- playing turn-taking games like peekaboo
- trying to communicate with you using sounds, gestures or words
- trying to communicate with you when they need help or want something.
By 18 months
Your child isn’t:
- responding to everyday instructions and questions like ‘Wave bye bye’, ‘Where’s Daddy?’ or ‘Give me the ball, please’
- saying single words.
By 2 years
Your child isn’t:
- saying about 50 different words
- putting 2 or more words together – for example, ‘More drink’, ‘Mum up’ or ‘Me go too’
- producing words spontaneously – that is, your child only copies words or phrases from others
- naming at least one colour
- responding to everyday instructions and questions like ‘Get your shoes’, ‘Want a drink?’ or ‘Where’s Daddy?’
Language delay is quite common at this age. About 1 child in 3 children shows signs of language delay and is considered a ‘late talker’. By 4 years, most late talkers have caught up to other children the same age.
At about 3 years
Your child isn’t:
- combining words into longer phrases or sentences – for example, ‘Help me Mummy’ or ‘Want more drink’
- responding to longer instructions and questions like ‘Get your shoes and put them in the box’ or ‘What do you want to eat for lunch today?’
- taking an interest in books
- asking questions.
From 4-5 years and older
Some children still have difficulties with language by the time they start preschool or school. If these difficulties can’t be explained by other things like autism or hearing loss, it might be a developmental language disorder.
At this age, children with a developmental language disorder might:
- struggle to learn new words and make conversation
- use short, simple sentences and often leave out important words in sentences
- respond to just part of an instruction
- struggle to use past, present or future tense the right way – for example, they say ‘skip’ instead of ‘skipped’ when talking about activities they’ve already done
- find it hard to use the right words and use general words like ‘stuff’ or ‘things’ instead
- not understand the meaning of words, sentences or stories.
At any age
Your child:
- has been diagnosed with hearing loss, developmental delay, autism, epilepsy or a genetic condition in which language might be affected
- stops doing things that they used to do – for example, they stop talking.
Children having difficulties with language need help as early as possible. If you’re concerned, speak with your GP, child and family health nurse, your child’s teacher or a speech pathologist. If this professional isn’t concerned about your child but you’re still worried, it’s a good idea to seek another opinion.
Where to get help for language delay
If you think your child is having trouble with language, talk to a professional. For example, you could talk to:
- teachers or educators at your child’s early learning centre, preschool or school
- a speech pathologist
- an audiologist
- a GP or paediatrician
- a child and family health nurse
- a psychologist.
If you think your child’s main difficulty is understanding and using language, you might want to visit a speech pathologist. Speech pathologists can use language tests to assess how your child uses words and responds to requests, instructions or questions. You can find a local professional by going to Speech Pathology Australia – Find a speech pathologist.
If you think your child might be hard of hearing or have hearing loss, it’s best to have your child’s hearing checked by an audiologist. You can find a local professional by going to Audiology Australia – Find an audiologist. Hearing loss could interfere with your child’s language development and communication.
Support for children with language delay
If your child is diagnosed with language delay, the health professional you’re working with might recommend group programs that build language skills. The professional might also help your child learn to communicate in other ways – for example, using sign language, books or speech-generating devices.
The professional might give you strategies that you can use at home to help your child communicate. This might include giving your child plenty of time to begin a conversation. You can also help your child by responding and expanding on their efforts to communicate, whether it’s with words, actions or sounds.
Causes of language delay
We don’t know what causes language delay in most cases. But we do know that language delay tends to run in families.
Language delay is more likely for:
- boys
- children who have a close family member with a history of language delay or a communication disorder
- children who have a developmental or genetic condition
- children with ongoing hearing problems and ear infections.
Sometimes, language delay can be a sign of deafness or hearing loss, developmental delay, intellectual disability, autism or a genetic condition. You know your child best. If you’re concerned that your child is showing signs of one of these conditions, talk to your GP or another health professional.